Friday, October 19, 2007

A Few Points

First, we had a great time at lunch today! for those of you that couldn't make it, we are sorry. However, we had a good time without you. You may have even been able to meet this guy:

Anyway the next lunch will be on Friday November 16th, check the box to the right for the info.

Now for the important stuff, It was suggested that for the festive Holiday month of December, instead of lunch on Friday December 14th, that we have a "get together" that evening. So we are soliciting your feedback, post a comment to this post with the following:

Are you interested?

Do you like egg nogg?

If you are Dave Anderson, will you be willing to entertain us with another song?

White elephant gift exchange ya or nay?


Unknown said...

Yes - I am interested

Yes - I like egg nogg

No - I am not Dave Anderson(but would enjoy another performance by him)

No Preference - I can go either way on the white elephant exchange.

Marcus said...

I am aligned with you Mike. All for the party. All for a Dave Anderson performance. White elephant would be grand.

Paul said...

Sorry I missed the lunch. I was the only one in the office on Friday and couldn't leave. Mike, you still owe me dessert. What is up with the white elephant?

Jstar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jstar said...

Parties = fun.
Egg nog = gross.
Dave Anderson = good clean fun.
White Elephant preference = either way.

Kent said...

Party sounds fun.
Egg Nogg sounds gross.
Dave Anderson sounds AWESOME!
White Elephant can be fun...I'm okay either way.

Regan said...

Last Friday was fun - it was good to see everyone!

I'll come to the party, skip the eggnog, and try and find a white elephant somewhere. (I wonder if the Hogle Zoo would let me borrow one and paint it white.)

Anonymous said...

Yes - that could be fun
Yes - i like spiked egg nogg :)
Not dave anderson but think singing works in DEC.
White elephants can be fun if we agree on a price point not to be spent above, say $5.

Jason said...

I'm going to follow the crowd on this one. Some sort of party in December sounds fun. Egg nog isn't bad, but it is bad for my cholesterol. White elephant...Ritter Sport, anyone?

See everyone on the 16th.